Beginning on Sunday, June 24, annual summer adjustments will be made to the OC Transpo schedule. As a result of ridership declines across the system during the summer months, the frequency of service will be reduced on some routes, including Route 176 in Central Park. New transit services will be
Use of City of Ottawa Parks
As you may know, the City of Ottawa oversees more than 900 parks citywide, including parks in the Central Park community. There is a formal allocation process for the use of City parks, including the issuance of a park permit, for specific events, activities, etc,. This helps to ensure that
Combined Sewage Storage Tunnel Project Open House
The City of Ottawa is conducting an Environmental Assessment (EA) and Functional Design to identify and develop a preferred solution that will provide additional storage facilities in the combined sewer area and thereby reduce combined sewer overflows (CSOs) to the Ottawa River. This project has been identified as a preferred
Spring Giveaway Weekend
The Spring Give Away Weekend will take place on Saturday, June 2 and Sunday, June 3, 2012 Don’t put your unwanted stuff in the garbage. Set them out at the curb on Give Away Weekend. Tour your neighbourhood, community and city to find hidden treasures. Giveaway items could include: Books, CDs
New Plans for Central Park Development and Ashcroft Sales Center
Ashcroft Homes is planning a new 930,000 square-foot project on the Merivale Road side of the Central Park housing development by the Experimental Farm. It will include eight mixed-use buildings – including six tall and narrow (about 1/3 the size of Broadway or Chorus) condo towers with a walkable main
Neighbours Helping Neighbours
Donate to the Belleview Community (Caldwell) – Urgent need for kitchen/household items, children’s items and all clothing for Belleview Boutique. Belleview Brochure Ways You Can Help: Please note: Based on the Central Park Garage Sale being rescheduled for June 9th due to significant rain, “NHN” donation pickup will also be
River Ward City Councillor Maria McRae’s Report to the Central Park Community, May 14, 2012
Summer Camp Registration Now Open From dance to sports, aqua fun to leaderships, kinder kamp to tripping around Ottawa, children of all ages can experience the day camp adventure in hundreds of Parks, Recreation and Culture Services summer camps. Over 350 traditional and specialty day camps are available for a