Welcome Back!

I hope that you enjoyed the summer. I look forward to working with the CPCA over the next year, as we work together to address issues important to the residents of Central Park.

Crosswalks Installed on Central Park Drive

All-way stop controls, including crosswalks, were installed at the intersections of Central Park Drive at Whitestone Drive and Central Park Drive at Yorkville Street on July 21,2009. These crosswalks are a welcome addition to the community and will ensure families a safe crossing of Central Park Drive.

Parking on Central Park Drive – Update

A number of residents have raised concerns about parking on Central Park Drive, specifically the number of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) employees that park in the community.

In addition to requesting proactive by-law enforcement and a comprehensive traffic impact study for the community. I contacted Agriculture Canada and Transport Minister and Ottawa West Nepean M.P. John Baird about this issue. In a response from AAFC, they indicated the following actions were to address the current problem:

  • A notice has been sent to all employees reminding them of their obligations to respect the proximity of the community and to encourage responsible actions on their parts that will maintain good relations with Central Park.
  • A renewed effort to engage OC Transpo to improve effort to the site.
  • A meeting has been set up with representatives of Larco Investments Ltd., who own the property, to determine if there are further mitigated parking strategies that could be implemented.

I will keep you informed of any additional measures that are implemented.

Former Laurentian High School Site – Update

City staff have released their recommendation in support of a zoning change for the former Laurentian High School site from the Minor Institutional -llA subzone to an Arterial Main street. Special Exception Zone with a holding provision (AM[***] Sch[***] – h). Staff recommendations were developed with a view to a mixed-use development versus a retail centre. The staff report does not reference future tenants on the site.

Electronic copies of the report are available on the City’s website at http://www.ottawa.ca/calendar/ottawa/citycouncil/pec/2009/09-22/2-ACS2009-lCS-PGM-0131.htm. Paper copies of the report were mailed to residents who attended the public meetings or to residents who specifically requested a copy from staff.

To my satisfaction and to the direct benefit of the community, the Holding Provision will not be lifted until the Site Plan is approved. This ensures that all conditions outlined in the staff recommendation MUST be satisfied. The Holding Provision includes conditions such as:

  • Roadway modifications at Clyde Avenue/Baseline Road and Baseline Road/MerivaleRoad
  • Limiting the site to one big box store
  • A 9 m buffer zone where the development abuts residential areas versus 7.5 m in other areas
  • Berming and landscaping using well developed trees to screen the back wall of the big box store
  • Minimum setbacks of 6 metres between buildings and the curb along Baseline Road or Clyde Avenue (i.e. room for sidewalks)
  • Clearly designed pedestrian corridors
  • The customer main entrance and primary see-through windows along Baseline Road and Clyde Avenue must face the street (i.e. street level access to storefronts)

This item will be dealt with at the September 22″ 2009 Planning & Environment Committee meeting being held at City Hall. If you have any comments, please send them directly to me at Maria.McRae@ottawa.ca. I will ensure that they are appropriately fbrwarded for consideration by members of committee. You may also make a verbal presentation to the committee or attend
the committee meeting to hear this item being debated.

Thank you to the Central Park Community Association feedback about this zoning application. I look forward to receiving your comments about the staff report.

Pitch in to Give your City a Clean Sweep with Fall Cleaning the Capital

As Chair of the City’s Transportation Committee,I would like to invite residents of all ages to participate in the City’s 4tl’ annual Fall Cleaning the Capital Campaign between Tuesday, September 15 and Thursday, October 15,2009.

Fall Cleaning the Capital is a great opportunity for high school students to get a head start on their Community Involvement Program volunteer hours. and for families. friends, schools. neighbourhood groups or organizations and businesses to band together on a community cleanup project to help keep Ottawa clean, green, graffiti-free and litter-free.

I officially launched the fourth annual Fall Cleaning the Capital Campaign on September 14, 2009 at the Old Town Hall on March Road. Kanata North was recognized for having the highest participation rates in the City for the spring and fall campaigns in 2008 and the spring 2009 campaign where more than 14 percent of residents took part in cleaning, greening, litter pickup and graffiti-removal projects.

This tall let’s put River Ward on the map! For more information and to register, visit ottawa.ca/clean or call 3- 1- 1.

City’s Green Fleet Grows

As Chair of the Transportation Committee, on Wednesday, August 26,2009I was pleased to unveil some of the current “green” technologies that are part of the municipal fleet as well as potential acquisitions that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help the City become a leading-edge municipality in the area of environmentally responsible management. Hybrid vehicles and other technologies that reduce pollution are key components of the City’s new Municipal Green Fleet Plan.

The City’s original reduction target for green house gas was 20 per cent below 1990 levels by 2007, which was met corporately in 2004.In September 2009 the Environmental Sustainability Branch will present a revised corporate target, which will commit the City to an emissions reduction of 30 per cent by 2012based on 1990 levels. The transportation sector is a major emitter of air pollutants, producing nearly three quarters of carbon monoxide emissions, more than half of nitrogen oxide emissions and more than one-quarter of the volatile organic compounds affecting air quality. The Green Municipal Fleet Plan specifically targets the
transportation activities of the City and aims to reduce the City’s footprint in this major green house gas emission sector.

Firefighters to Begin Annual Door-to-Door Wake Up Call

Ottawa firefighters from all 27 urban fire stations will be starling a month-long, door-to-door campaign on September 5 to ensllre residents have working smoke alarms.

People have a greater chance of surviving a home fire if they are protected with working smoke alarms on each level of their dwelling and have a practiced home escape plan. While firefighters are visiting door-to-door, they will also answer any fire safety questions.

Since 2005, The Wake Up, Get a Working Smoke Alarm program has visited 65,132 homes and this months Ottawa Fire Services will add 10,000 homes to that total.

Children under the age of 10 are particularly vulnerable to fire. By having working smoke alarms  and teaching children proper saf-ety behaviours. we can help to increase their chances of surviving a fire.

One-day Depot for Household Hazardous Waste

The City of Ottawa is hosting a one-day household hazardous waste collection depot to provide a convenient way for you to help keep the environment free of hazardous household waste. Depot details are as follows:

Date: Sunday, September 20,2009
Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Place: 3354 Navan Road
(south of Innes Road)

Residents are reminded that only household waste will be accepted (maximum 100 litres) at the depot. No commercial waste accepted. For a complete listing of acceptable household hazardous waste, visit the City’s website at ottawa.ca/hhw.