As you may know, the City of Ottawa oversees more than 900 parks citywide, including parks in the Central Park community. There is a formal allocation process for the use of City parks, including the issuance of a park permit, for specific events, activities, etc,. This helps to ensure that groups who appropriately rent space, etc. are not at risk of the park being used by a group who has not done so. Therefore, if any group wants to use any park located in Central Park on a regular basis or for a one-off event such as a picnic, tournament, please feel free to contact my office directly and we will be happy to follow-up.
Having said this, if a group of individuals from time-to-time wants to set up a quick game of volleyball, etc. at the site of the rink in Celebration Park, for example, they would be free to do so provided that they were not leaving any equipment in the park and not excluding anyone from participating. Exclusive use of this public space would require a permit. Also, there is a requirement to obey all park rules regarding noise, alcohol use, etc.
It is not permissible for any group paying park fees to re-rent their space to another group. Therefore, if a group is offering to re-sell their space, they are doing so illegally. They cannot charge you a fee to rent City property.
The overall gist of this – use your best judgment when using the park for more “organized” activities and if you would like to formalize anything, please let me know and I would be happy to help you get permission do so. This could also include the free use of City sports equipment, etc. The whole idea is to have fun without interfering with groups who are running programs, etc. on City fields, etc.
Please call my office directly if you would like to follow-up.