Beavers, age 5 to 7, meet at St. Rita’s School, 1 Inverness Ave, from 6:30 to 7:30 on Tuesdays.
Cubs, age 8 to 10, meet at St. Rita’s from 6:30 to 8:00 on Mondays.
You can find us by seaching for ’72nd ottawa scouting’ in your browser, or calling the Registrar ar 613-224-7723.

Fun and Friendship is the cornerstone of the Beavers program. Beavers enjoy nature walks, short hikes, games, crafts, and family sleepovers. Come be part of the SHARING SHARING SHARING!

Cubs is built around a lively variety of games, crafts, storytelling, play acting, and outdoors. The badge program focuses around the Natural World, Outdoors, Creative Expression, Healthy Living, and Community and Canada and the World. DO YOUR BEST!”

 72nd Cubs and Beavers Brochure


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