The Ottawa Nepean Soccer Club, in partnership with Ottawa’s Central Park Community Association, is once again pleased to provide the opportunity for a weeknight recreational program for U4 to U7 in Central (Celebration) Park in the summer of 2015. All session dates for each age group will be managed by the club and community association and will be decided by April 15. Please choose the “Central Park Community Association” option according to your child’s birth year when registering at onesc.powerupsports.ca
Sessions will be held as follows from 6:30-7:30pm:
U5 (2010) soccer – Monday nights
U4 (2011) soccer – Tuesday nights
U6 (2009) soccer – Thursday night
U7 (2008) soccer – Wednesday night
Please note due to limited space at this location, that preference will be given to residents who are part of the Central Park Community Association for the weeknight program. A Saturday morning U4 program is also offered to all Club members at the larger main field at Celebration Park.
To register: Go to the Ottawa Nepean Soccer Club website (OneSC.ca). In the middle of the webpage click on – 2015 registration. Make sure to choose the Recreational Central Park Community Association option, if you are interested in any of the weeknight classes. Fees are $165 for a full season of soccer from late May until mid August.
To ensure a successful season, spread the word and consider being a volunteer coach.