In Attendance

Acting President – Liz Allen
Vice President / Treasurer – Laurie Lyon
Secretary – Klaus Kollenberg
Community Liaison Director – Merriel Petry
Central Park Recreation Team (CPRT) Captain – Bruce Radburn
Rachel Rowe – Assistant to Maria McRae

1) Call to order – Ms Allen called the meeting to order at 7:28 pm.

2) Motion to approve agenda – Amendments were requested to include the approval of previous minutes, a report by the Central Park recreation team and next meeting. Merriel Petry moved to approve agenda and was seconded by seconded by Klaus Kollenberg. Agenda was approved.

3) Treasurers update – Laurie Lyon reported that she had not yet been able to produce statements. She did state that the Association is in a positive balance situation on the order of $1,000.

4) CPRT Report

  1. Bruce Radburn reported that the Agriculture Canada (occupant of the Skyline Complex) volleyball club is looking for a site to establish a sand pit for volleyball. The club has a committee to raise funds and get a site established. Bruce recommended that the Board support the proposal. The Board was supportive but felt it was not in a position to take action since it would be located on City land and therefore taken up through City Hall. The Board committed to lending community support for the project.
  2. Bruce proposed that the Board purchase soccer nets for the field. The nets would be there for everyone’s use all the time. The proposed nets are sturdy and of high quality. Klaus Kollenberg moved that $200 be spent on a pair of soccer goal nets to be purchased by the CP Rec Team. The motion was passed unanimously.
  3. With the heavy use of the soccer pitch by soccer clubs it was suggested that the pitch be reserved for community use between 1 and 3 pm on Sundays. Bruce Radburn said he would see if it was possible to do so. It would also need to be advertised so that the community is aware and makes use of it.d. Liz Allen reported that the results of the open house for the basket ball court in Celebration Park were disappointing. The turnout was lukewarm and resulted in the funding for the court being returned to be used in other projects. Councillor McRae recommended that the Board establish a short list of projects that the community would like to have. This would enable a quick response when opportunity funding presents itself as it did for the basketball court.

5) Update on Spring Clean, Garage Sale and Family Fun and Play Day planning

  1. Clean up day – Nicholina (Niki) Gorgonzaden volunteered to coordinate the clean up day and has everything planned.
  2. Garage Sale – The date chosen is 6 June and the operating time was established for 8:00-12:00. Liz Allen reported that ads had been placed, the portable sign booked. Laurie reported that flyers had been prepared for printing and needed Board Approval. Tables: In order to support those residents off the main path the Board would have tables set up again this year in the Ashcroft Sales Centre parking lot. A request to borrow the tables from the Alexander Community Centre was approved. The table fees would be $10 each.
  3. Family Fun Day – The preparations had been made: Ashcroft would again provide ice cream for the event; the board had rented two inflatables and two shade tents from Party Time rentals; there would be face painting, art and crafts, door prizes, volleyball nets, waterslides, balls, police community outreach, fire engine and safety display. A soccer game would be organized from 1:30 to 2:30 and volleyball from 2:30 to 3:30.
  4. Membership drive – In order to boost association membership the board would have forms available and offer a community mug for a minimum $20 donation. nternal community information will be disseminated: 3 weeks prior electronic notices to the news group and website; 2 weeks prior hand delivered flyers; one week prior electronic updates with status on # of available tables.

6) Other Business

  1. Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) – Several people have expressed interest in NHW but are perhaps reluctant to get involved in organizing because of the high standard set when it was first organized. It was suggested that an end of summer event be held to get it going again. Ideas included: Enbridge BBQ / pancake breakfast – organizer provides food only and Enbridge does the rest; ask Ashcroft to supply tents; present a movie in the Park much like BOB FM does with Movies on the beach; involve seniors with special activities for them. In the course of discussion it was suggested the CP residences’ recreation Manger be invited to be an ex-office member of the Board.
  2. Laurentian High School (LHS) development – Liz Allen reported that the Planning Staff report would not be available as  early as planned due to staff cuts at City Hall. The estimated date was 5 Jun 2009.

7) Next Meeting – the next Board Meeting will be held 17 June 2009 in the same location.

8) Adjournment – Acting President adjourned the meeting at 8:55 pm.