Held 19:00 Park Place Seniors Suites

In attendance:

  • Liz Allan — President
  • Merriel Petry– Vice President
  • Laurie Lyon — Treasurer

Absent: Klaus Kollenberg – Secretary

Proposed Agenda:

  1. Call to order.
  2. Review and approval of minutes from 2007 AGM
  3. President’s report on activities and events during 2007-2008
  4. Treasurer’s report
  5. Ice rink presentation
  6. OCP Clubs
  7. Call for Volunteers
  8. Community Calendar of events and priorities for the upcoming year
  9. Councillor’s Report
  10. Nominations and elections for the Board of Directors
  11. Motion for adjournment

Meeting Minutes: November 25, 2009

  1. Call to order. Meeting was called to order by Liz Allan at 1900 hrs.
  2. Review and approval of minutes from 2007 AGM was delayed until next AGM as the minutes were not available.
  3. A representative from OC Transpo discussed recent changes to the bus service to the Central Park Community and solicited feedback from those in attendance on any problems with existing service.
  4. President’s report on activities and events during 2007-2008. Liz Allan presented the report and discussed opportunities for volunteers, setting up of community interest clubs and planned activities for the coming year.
  5. Treasurer’s report: Laurie Lyon presented the Treasurers Report. The report was accepted by the meeting. Laurie thanked Grace Dimion for her assistance in putting the report together.
  6. Ice rink presentation was given by Bruce Radburn and a call of volunteers to assist with the rink again this year was made.
  7. OCP Clubs was discussed under the President’s report
  8. Call for Volunteers discussed under the President’s report.
  9. Community Calendar of events and priorities for the upcoming year was discussed under the President’s report.
  10. Councillor’s Report. Councillor McRae presented her report. A copy will be posted on the web-site. There was considerable discussion on parking,, old Laurentian re-development. Councillor McRae indicated that she would support the proposal for the volleyball court submitted by the Board earlier in the Fall. Discussion on the volleyball court proposal was conducted prior to the close of the meeting. There were questions as to where it would be positioned and concerns that it not encroach on the ice rink area. Liz and Bruce indicated that they would work with City officials on placement.
  11. Nominations and elections for the Board of Directors. Liz Allan and Merriel Petry were confirmed as President and Vice President respectively. Grace Dimion was elected as Treasurer and Laurie Lyon confirmed in the Community Coordinator position. Josh Gleeson was elected to the Media Coordinator position.
  12. Motion for adjournment at 2045 hrs.