Board Members
President – Liz Allen
Vice President – Merriel Petry
Secretary – Klaus Kollenberg
Media Coordinator – Josh Gleeson
Community Coordinator – Laurie Lyon
Central Park Recreation Team (CPRT) Captain – Bruce Radburn
Treasurer – Grace Dimion
Community Members
Stuart Sykes – Past President OCPCA
Councillor Maria McRae
??? – Asst to Maria
- Call to order – Ms Allen called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm.
- Motion to approve agenda – The order was changed so Councillor McRae could present her report later in the meeting. Klaus Kollenberg moved to approve agenda and was seconded by Merriel Petry. The agenda was approved.
- Motion to approve the minutes from last meeting – After noting some typos Klaus Kollenberg moved the approval of the minutes from the last meeting and was seconded by Laurie Lyon. The minutes were approved.
- Treasurers update – No activity since the last report.
- Community Liaison – Laurie Lyon reported that she has collected names of members but would need data entry help. It was suggested that this would be a good task for a high school student completing volunteer hours.
- Councillor McRae’s Report – The Councillor’s report is attached. Maria did point out a number of items. She expressed here pleasure in working with the OCPCA board and giving it her full support. She encouraged all attendees to come out to the Site plan meeting organized at Alexander Community Centre. It is important that the community be heard about its concerns.
- Update on Laurentian Site Development– Discussions from Councillor McRae’s report moved into this agenda item. Essentially the development of Laurentian will result in a Community Development Revenue that is intended for use in communities affected by the development. The amount of this will not be know until the building permit is submitted. In order to make the best use of this the Board is encouraged to determine the community’s priorities. There have been requests for volleyball courts and a basketball court in the past. In order to get organized Councillor McRae offered to set up a community workshop with professional facilitators to help develop ideas and priorities. This would be a half day event much like that done by Carlington. She also offered to broker a meeting with city planning officials to understand what the art of the possible is.As an adjunct to this development discussion Klaus Kollenberg raised his concern about the longer term plan for the lands within the Baseline-ClydeMerivale triangle. There are many empty lots but no activity and it is somewhat of an eyesore. It is a unique are in that it is at the intersection of three Ward boundaries and needs to involve the three councillors thereof. It was suggested that it be subjected to a community design plan process, but it may be too small an area. Councillor McRae suggested that a workshop be held in the fall to bring together the key stakeholders and determine a way forward.
- Other Business – It was suggest that the stakeholder engagement for the Laurentian development be initiated online prior to the workshop.
- The winter carnival planning was reported as being well under way for February 14th. The prospects for the ice rink looked very good. Bruce Radburn moved the approval of $200 to support the 2010 Winter Carnival and was seconded by Klaus Kollenberg. The motion was approved.
- Board members have quite often needed to pass on key contact details about OCPCA but not had the details needed on hand. Merriel moved that the Board procure generic OCPCA business cards up to a cost of $50. The cards would include the position email and website addresses.
- Next Meeting – In order to aid in the preparations for the Winter Carnival it was decided to hold the next Board Meeting a week prior to it usual time. The next meeting would therefore be on the second Wednesday in February, the 10th, at 7pm in the same location.
- Adjournment – Merriel Petry moved that the meeting be adjourned and was seconded by Klaus Kollenberg. The President adjourned the meeting at 8:35 pm.