Saturday, September 28, 2013 10am to 1pm
Urgent need for: men’s clothing, baby and toddler clothing, winter hats, mitts, scarves, jackets and boots for all ages
Also needed: children’s items / toys / books, kitchen / household items, small appliances & electronics, adult/children’s clothing & shoes.
HOW TO DONATE on Saturday, September 28th:
- Put donations in a box or bag near your front door anytime before 10am
- Mark them with NHN or Neighbours Helping Neighbours
- A volunteer will pick up donations between 10am and 1pm
- You can also drop off donations at 36-1525 Caldwell Ave. (just past the towers)
To volunteer help collecting contact Dave the Central Park Vice-President at vicepresident@central-park.ottawa.on.ca
Thank you !!!