River Ward City Councillor Maria McRae’s Report to the Central Park Community, February 16 2011

Laurentian Place: Walmart Grand Opening Walmart officially opened on Friday, January 28, 2011. Thank you to everyone who participated in the grand opening, as well as the design and consultation process. Your feedback helped shape this new development. Walmart Shopping Carts Walmart is investigating options to prevent shopping carts from being removed

Record of Discussion Ottawa’s Central Park Community Association Board Meeting – February 15 2011

Board Members Present President – Liz Allen Vice President – Merriel Petry Treasurer – Grace Dimion Community Coordinator – Klaus Kollenberg Webmaster – Christian Gravelle Central Park Recreation Team (CPRT) Captain – Roman Srutek Absent Secretary – David Fuss Media Coordinator – Josh Gleeson Community Members Bruce Radburn Laurie Lyon