The Ottawa Central Park Community Association has a number of fixed operating costs throughout the year to maintain the Association in operation. The OCPCA is responsible for the community ice rink on behalf of the city without the OCPCA there cannot be an ice rink. The focus of the OCPCA is to a sense of community by organizing and facilitating community wide events. Outside of the grant to operate the ice rink, and a donation from the Ward Councillor the OCPCA does not receive funding from any level of government nor other commercial entities – it is almost entirely driven by contributions.

The OCPCA events include a winter festival, garage sale, family fun day, neighbours helping neighbours used goods donation drive for the Calwell Family Services and the maintenance of mailbox gardens and the CPD entrance planters. The OCPCA also precipitated a soccer program for young children that is now in its third year.

We are conducting our annual membership drive to ensure that the OCPCA remains solvent and can continue to sustain these activities, and add new ones if possible.

The annual minimal membership donation is $20 per house. Membership donations may be made by sending an email transfer to the treasurer ( or through the secure Paypal site (incurs a service fee) by clicking on the Donate button on the Community Association web-site

If you are uncomfortable with making payments via a website please contact the treasurer:

Your contributions are very much appreciated and is the foundation for making sure the OCPCA keeps our community vibrant and strong.

Thank you very much for your support!

Ottawa Central Park Community Association